Home > Slightly Stewing

Slightly Stewing

June 5th, 2012 at 02:48 pm

My evening class was very disappointing last night, and even my 50 cent expenditure on coffee didn't much raise my spirits. A mere 11/17 showed up, and half of those who did obviously didn't read the material based on their horrid quiz results.

I went mostly silent, followed by a very brief rendition of the "I'm disappointed and frustrated" speech. On the way home I calculated what I made from that class which made it only slightly better. I can't do much with students who don't work. It's not the material; all of the material worked well before. It's not me--I was jazzed. It's them. Sigh.

On a happier note, we're going to a special "Transit of Venus" show at the university planetarium this evening. I'm really looking forward to it.

My ebay items are selling, and I have four things to return today. My Chase $500 has gone toward the credit card which was a nice subtraction from that bill.

5 Responses to “Slightly Stewing”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    That must feel so deflating. I think it is rude on the students' part, too. Those who want to learn are affected by those who are a heavy, dragging anchor. I'm afraid as a student I have been in some classes like that, and sometimes I wanted to ask for my tuition back. It was not the learning experience it should have been. Why should my tuition money pay for me having to listen to a professor spending class time pleading, cajoling, and laying down the law? That's not a comment on you, just a gripe about how selfish refusal to properly participate in a class affects everyone else.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Good luck with those ebay sales!

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    Good luck with the recall today! MN is rooting for you guys to pull off the seemingly impossible.

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Sorry about the rotten class. I wonder who's paying their tuition??

  5. My English Castle Says:

    I'm with you Joan--so I try to keep my cajoling to a minimum--and speak to people individually. Lots of encouragement goes out to those who do keep up.

    CCF: I think of you every time I list something on ebay! Good sale yesterday and more to come.

    ceejay--rotten news there on the election. I threw the headlines in the recycling bin without even looking at them. I told DH that when DD goes to college, we're splitting our time between MN and the UK. I am fed up with cheeseland.

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