Home > Fresh Strawberries

Fresh Strawberries

June 15th, 2012 at 05:41 am

DD and I spent yesterday with friends picking strawberries and peas. I made jam and froze berries, and have more to do. But those peas were pure heaven. I wish I would have planted some in our garden.

In further slight progress towards decluttering goals, I divested my office of a towering stack of DD's clothes and had a heartening discussion after our post-picking picnic lunch with friends about the need for us all to curtail restaurant meals in favor of monthly potlucks. I love going out, but we're all still reeling from the state paycuts. Most of my university friends have cut all kids' summer camps and other activities, so we're going to have to make our own fun.

My late ebay buyer is still late. I've now contacted her twice after the initial invoice. One more day and I'll open a claim.

In happier news, I've located a free voucher for Noodles. DD and I are heading there for lunch tomorrow since it expires soon!

2 Responses to “Fresh Strawberries”

  1. Looking Forward Says:

    Yum! I love both, and fresh is the best!

  2. PauletteGoddard Says:

    Ooh, thanks for the reminder! I must pick strawberries before the season is out. I used to make frozen strawberry meringue pie: need to start that again.

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