Home > A Successful First Day

A Successful First Day

September 5th, 2012 at 02:28 am

All told, both DD and I had successful first days back at school. I only had a single class today, so it was a fast one for me.

DD's bus didn't show up until after we left to take her to school. We didn't want to risk lateness on the first day, but I spoke to the bus driver this afternoon, and she assured me they'd be more on schedule tomorrow.

I did a few errands after my class. I purchased a paper attendance book since the university doesn't provide them anymore, deposited some checks, and returned a few library books.

I suspect I'll be wiped out tomorrow with four classes back to back from 8-2. If I can make it to the restroom, grab some water, and down some string cheese, I'll call it successful.

I spent $13 on school supplies, and $1.75 on coffee. No other news to report!

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