Home > Yeeesh


September 12th, 2012 at 04:14 am

That's about all I can say about these weeks. It's only Tuesday night, and I'm wiped out. Yesterday was a marathon day--four regular classes from 8-2, then my evening class from 5:30-10. That's the odd small class with four students, but (do the math) 3/4 of them don't have their textbook here during Week 3 of class. You can guess how well they're doing.

I spent most of my office hours today scanning in a story for another class, then distributing flyers for the study abroad. I'd like to get as many signed up as possible, and the October 1 deadline looms.

I wish I could say tomorrow will be easier, but again, I have four classes, no time for lunch, and a two-hour middle school PTO session tomorrow night.

Now that I'm done whining, I did sell a book today, and I got it mailed. I've fallen into the habit of stopping at the grocery store on my way home a couple times a week. I've never shopped like that before; I'm usually a once-a-week shopper, but this seems easier with my time-crunched schedule. The budget hasn't shown any ill effects yet. And because it's 2:30 or 3 when I shop, it's not busy. I may stick with this as long as it works.

Two last student e-mails to deal with---

5 Responses to “Yeeesh”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I think as long as you stick to a list, it doesn't matter how often you shop. It's only expensive when you fall prey to impulsive buying -- that doesn't describe most of us here!

  2. My English Castle Says:

    It seems to be working fine. I'm not sure why I feel vaguely guilty about it!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Are the textbooks backordered? 3 weeks in seems like an awfully long time to not have the required text.

  4. My English Castle Says:

    Nope, Laura, they either haven't bought them or they somehow went astray.Both the students and the books. Yeesh.

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:


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