Home > Lots of Hand-Holding

Lots of Hand-Holding

September 21st, 2012 at 07:14 pm

It's about 10 days until the Study Abroad application deadline. I've got over twice as many as we need to make it happen, so I'm feeling confident about it now.
There's a lot of work involved--answering lots of questions, sending out lots of e-mails, reminding students about recommendations and passports etc. I really like the students who are hyper-excited--and the ones who are shy and quiet, but just bursting inside. It's been fun.

DH hung our new super insulated blinds last night. He really has issues (the sweet one) with finishing things. I think it's some kind of disorder. As we were unpacking them, I said to myself, "He'll hang two, but not the third." Sure enough, he got through two and said he thought he was done for the evening. It was 8! Through lots of talking (while I was supervising DD's math), I got him to hang the final one. It's odd behavior; I have a touch of it myself, but can't really explain it.

Not much money news. Looks like I have to switch the autobilling from our old ATT to U-verse, so better get going on that.

4 Responses to “Lots of Hand-Holding”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I actually have that syndrome myself. I can't explain it either.

  2. PauletteGoddard Says:

    I have it too, but thought it was Attention Deficit Disorder or in my personal case, laziness. My mom used to rag on me all the time for it, and I half-nag, half-help my tot when I see him present the same behaviour.

  3. My English Castle Says:

    Glad I'm (we're) not alone!

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I get a bit of that syndrome myself sometimes .. Smile

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