Home > Lovely Problems to Have

Lovely Problems to Have

October 8th, 2012 at 04:29 am

I have great news: It looks almost certain my study abroad will run. I've got four or more over the baseline, but I won't know for sure until October 16th. That said, we've mailed out acceptance e-mails, and are just waiting for confirmations.

I have more good news: It looks like the university is paying my airfare. I had been planning on using miles, and had been juggling them to get DH and DD there in March, but I can take that concern off my plate.

Want more? I thinking of subletting a small flat in central London instead of staying in the scholar's residence. I'd have to find something else when DD and DH came, and I've found a fellow professor at my university who has a flat available. It's more than I was planning on paying, but I'll admit, I've fallen in love with it. I've managed to rationalize it by saying that we're not having our usual English vacation this year, and blah blah blah. I just want it. Maybe I just want to play house there.

So--to make myself feel slightly less selfish, I'm rounding up more of DD's clothes for sale, selling books, making massive lists of medical reimbursements to file, etc. Besides--wouldn't you all be thrilled to read my blog from my London flat? Then my blog name would be true!

7 Responses to “Lovely Problems to Have”

  1. PauletteGoddard Says:

    I would read it if you renamed yourself Orlando or Psmith or Eric Blair while you were there... just kidding. Li'l English Lit joke there.
    That is great for the university to find $$ for your airfare, during harsh cutbacks.
    From when to when would you be there? Are the winters better than what they used to be?

  2. Monkey Mama Says:


  3. rob62521 Says:

    Always like to celebrate someone's good run of luck!

  4. CB in the City Says:

    Oh, go for it! If you love it, it's worth it!

  5. My English Castle Says:

    Thanks for all your prodding. I may change my nom de Albion to Currer Bell, just for Paulette. I've e-mailed the flat-owning prof, and told her I'd like to talk on the 16th when I get the final go-ahead. I'd like to say I was virtuous and decided to forgo coffee this morning as a savings, but the line was just too long. Figure that's $2 in the flat fund. Maybe I will actually stash the cash in my tin bank with HRH and the corgis on it?

  6. Looking Forward Says:

    Great! I'd go for the flat too. Big Grin Can't wait for the posts and pics when you finally get to go.

  7. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Great news! I'd definitely go for the flat as well. Big Grin

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