Home > Lots Done, Lots More to Do

Lots Done, Lots More to Do

October 12th, 2012 at 07:45 pm

We had a frantic morning. DD is really stressed about various classes at middle school and hasn't been sleeping well. She ended up with us in the middle of the night. So we got off to a slow morning, she missed the bus, and we were all tired.

I wonder sometimes about the projects assigned to 5th graders. She has a four-page paper due that must include all the literary elements assigned. Not only that, but the various elements must be printed in different color inks. Then she'll construct a weather vane over the weekend. Expect cold fusion next week.

But I got lots of errands done--new ID, software pick-up, library books returned, copies made for next week, etc. It's sometimes amazing what I can get done in an hour.

My concert date with a friend for tomorrow night fell through as it seems half the university is ill. So I think we'll all stay home, lay low, and if I feel ambitious, make a huge pot of soup and play Goldilocks with them.

I would enjoy a productive but quiet weekend. I heard a choir singing "Dona Nobis Pacem" on NPR, and I think we could use some peace.

2 Responses to “Lots Done, Lots More to Do”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Fifth grade has been the toughest year for both my girls. Big expectations by teachers, lots of busy work, more challenges in general. Then sixth homework, except for an occassional need to study for a test. I hope your DD can relax this weekend.

  2. My English Castle Says:

    CCF--Thanks for the reassurance. I hope that is indeed the case here.

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