Home > Back in the USA

Back in the USA

April 16th, 2013 at 02:08 pm

Well, I'll admit, I did come back kicking and screaming, but I'm back. Back to piles of mail, piles of laundry, a house that clearly my DH didn't clean for months, but we're safe and sound.

However, I suspect it will be quite a while before I "really" come back.

A friend asked me about highlights and low times, and except for one especially awful student and my DH throwing his back out last week, I can't think of a low point. I missed my family, but Skype was great. Don't tell anyone, but I really like the peace and serenity and cleanness of living alone. Especially in London. Always.

On to cleaning, buying Turbotax, and trying to stay off Facebook and quit looking at photos.

8 Responses to “Back in the USA”

  1. JulieA Says:

    Welcome home.

    Peace and serenity certainly don't come easy with family living. I've only been to London once but I loved it. I'm kind of envious of your adventure.

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Welcome home! In four more weeks I'll be there (well, in Exeter and Oxford, but maybe a day trip to London)!

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Welcome back to the states!

  4. CB in the City Says:

    Welcome home! I mostly like living alone, too -- just sometimes miss having a cheerleader on my side!

  5. snafu Says:

    Welcome back to home, family, and friends. I wonder if you can replicate the peace and serenity you experienced in Britain by the things you choose to do and avoiding activities and people that cause you stress. In our experience it's so much easier to manage day-to-day activities by downsizing to a smaller home and getting rid of a ton of stuff to a more simplistic level. Perhaps take the time to analysis what truly makes you happy. Income tax had a deadline but the housework can be shared and done in increments.

  6. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    You were getting pretty settled in there, eh? Wink

  7. My English Castle Says:

    Snafu--we have come home swearing to get rid of tons of stuff. But my husband is an accumulator by nature. However, I am divesting now! One of the freeing things was the lack of paper. No mail, no statements, no bills. I have almost everything on autopay, but I really dislike all paper. And I am striving for simpler meals without a bursting freezer!
    Joan--I was settled in. Just thinking of the view from the top of "my" road makes me long to run back.

  8. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Welcome back!

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