Home > Nice Weekend

Nice Weekend

April 28th, 2013 at 11:11 pm

I had a work tutorial on the new web portal Friday night. If you asked people to come in on Friday night, wouldn't you feed them? They didn't, but I was glad to help a colleague by offering to drive. He and his wife are always scraping their budget. They have two kids, both work as adjunct instructors, and their youngest had leukemia a couple years ago. They were also the happy recipients of more of DD's outgrown clothes. I cleaned my car thoroughly before we went out, and it was pure pleasure driving a clean car.

Saturday we went to a local grocer's anniversary celebration and all ate free burgers, cake, and samples while shopping for some good bargains. Then on to a furniture store where we're considering buying a TV stand. We have an old ugly armoire cabinet that we all hate. I'm on the verge of buying the new one, but not quite yet.

Dinner last night was with my university women, again they're all broke, but the place we always go had a loyalty card we've been using that miraculously scored us a $50 credit which we used to treat the brokest of them all and take a healthy deduction from our bill. I missed them while I was in England, and it was great to see them.

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