Home > The First Triumph of the Day

The First Triumph of the Day

April 29th, 2013 at 04:04 pm

I'm hoping for a solid productive day, and it's started out fine. We've been having multiple problems with our ATT U-verse service. It's been out twice since we got home, and they have a hard time fixing it.

My husband is ready to cancel the whole thing, so I called U-verse this morning to see if they'd adjust our bill. They did--the whole month's bill. So while I'm still less than thrilled with the internet service, at least their customer service is ok.

1 Responses to “The First Triumph of the Day”

  1. laura Says:

    Nice! We have Comcast, and their service isn't very reliable either. Random outages here and there, always at the most inconvenient times (like the day before a huge essay is due!)

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