Home > Up on the Rooftop

Up on the Rooftop

May 24th, 2013 at 07:26 pm

Last night DH spotted a stain on the living room ceiling near the chimney. A quick peek into the attic revealed some wet patches, so our roofer came out this morning. Problem was--it wasn't the roof or the flashing, it's the tuckpointing on the chimney. We'd been told that before, but it seems like a bigger job now and semi-urgent.

I scoured Angie's List and got a recommendation from the roofer, and have called their top picks. Not thrilled about another outlay of cash, but it has to be done.

In other household news, I've packed up three or four dozen books I used years ago for my dissertation and am taking them to my university office. I rarely need them here, and I'm hoping to donate them to the university special collections if they're interested. But my home office is jammed and I need the shelf space. Some more books will go to the reseller too. And I listed more software on ebay.

Yep, declutter is becoming my middle name.

4 Responses to “Up on the Rooftop”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Declutter...your middle name, kind of cute!! I'm starting to want to see pictures since things must be looking really good around your house. Sorry to hear of the need for a home repair. Never fun.

  2. snafu Says:

    Terrific idea to donate books to the university. If not 'Special Collection' will your library accept donations of books? I'm so pleased with DH who recently donated 4 cu boxes of non fiction books to the giant community book sale organized by our firefighters. This is the 3rd year of major donations which became necessary when no more books could be crammed jammed into his wall of bookcases. In the late fall we take a couple of boxes of newer books to the re-seller/exchange. We are using our electronic readers more as they are so convenient.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    A workable and clever middle name! Sorry about the chimney problems.

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Hope the chimney problem isn't too bad.

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