Home > Pricing Books and IKEA Spending

Pricing Books and IKEA Spending

May 28th, 2013 at 05:47 pm

We had an expensive trip to IL yesterday. Our IPass needed to be replaced in IL, and we needed to get DD a new desk. We bought her one at IKEA. I wish I could say we saved a lot on it, but we did get a free lunch for all of us with the purchase. So maybe we saved $30? Or not.

DH spend most of the evening putting the thing together, and it's very nice. I can actually imagine her having it for years to come.

I'm pricing books for my scholarly list. I sold one of them for $50, so am happy to have it go to someone who will use it, and happy to get these off my shelf!
I hope the bulk of the rest of them go too.

5 Responses to “Pricing Books and IKEA Spending”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    Did it go together easily? I had a disastrous experience with an IKEA file cabinet.

  2. My English Castle Says:

    No! He muttered all night about it. The screws lost their threading, but eventually he got it done. The Billie bookcases go together like a charm, but some of their stuff--it'll make you crazy

  3. rob62521 Says:

    How great you found a buyer for one of your tomes.

  4. CB in the City Says:

    Yeah, based on my experience I've decided to never buy anything from IKEA that has to be assembled. The instructions are too scanty, the structure too complex.

  5. My English Castle Says:

    Ha--I always use them as examples when I teach technical writing--of what NOT to do.

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