Home > Beer or Cupcakes

Beer or Cupcakes

July 2nd, 2013 at 06:53 pm

I had an interesting conversation with my boss this morning. I can't attend a going-away party for a colleague tomorrow because, as I a bit too pointedly told him, I am going to my other job.

But I was trying to think what I could do to let her know I was thinking of her, despite not being able to make it to the party. The party is at a local park that has a beer garden. My boss suggested I give him $40 to buy a round of beer for everyone or make cupcakes or something. Hmm--let's see. Home baked box cupcakes--even jazzed up-- will run me no more than $5.
I wondered about his inability to see that there's a HUGE monetary difference. Or if it's a gender thing? I'm not sure. But I'm making cupcakes.

8 Responses to “Beer or Cupcakes”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    Some people would never go to the trouble of making cupcakes and would rather pay $40.

  2. laura Says:

    I second "cupcakes".

    I am convinced that the male mind works differently than the female one. I witnessed a conversation between my MIL and FIL about the best way to approach their upcoming move. Sadly, my husband seemed to think that his father's way made more sense. Not to me though. At least I'm not doing the move!

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Yep, homemade cupcakes is far cheaper than a round for the whole group. At the least buy the colleague a beer or two...which at a beer garden might be $10?

  4. Buendia Says:

    He probably didn't even think about the money thing (and I think it's not a gender thing, but rather a boss thing), but I have another question: if this is a colleague and this is a work-related event, why isn't the boss or the business picking up the tab? It seems unfair to place this kind of burden on people that work for you. It's like saying, "We're taking money out of your paycheck this month to sponsor so-and-so's going away party." People would freak out! At least you have the cupcake option!

  5. ROXY1976 Says:


  6. baselle Says:

    Oh I don't know about it being a gender investor would call it "exploiting a price discontinuity". You have a goal to "be there" for a coworker, both beer and cupcakes are memorable (though to two different sets of partiers) ... one's $5 and one's $40.

    Cupcakes most definitely.

  7. My English Castle Says:

    Yeah, if you knew my boss, you'd agree it's a gender thing. He thinks he's a hip non sexist guy, but he is NOT. We're having our ups and downs anyway. He's short staffed when I'm in England and, IMHO, a bit too public about it. Maybe the now-baked cupcakes will make it better. OK, they're just a box mix, but with the addition of lemon curd I bought at Borough Market in London (a brief pause while I wipe away the tears), they're delicious. The frosting is whipping cream and lemon curd. Who could possibly object to that?

  8. Buendia Says:

    Those cupcakes sound sooooo good.... anyway if you include your time, those cupcakes are worth way more than $40!

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