Oh my, DH and I spent some serious time in the basement last night getting rid of junk. It wasn't always as bad as it is now, but DH really tends to hold on to things. I had a heckuva time convincing him to let go of an old-style TV, a VCR and a huge chunky old computer monitor. The VCR went to the Salvation Army with a big bag of toys DD has outgrown, and the monitor and TV went to Best Buy for recycling. But he's upset about it. It burns him that things purchased in the last 20 years are worthless. But they are. And they're taking up space.
It looks MUCH better, but the next round of dejunking is going to have to be done when he's at work. He doesn't miss it when it's gone, but the process is really difficult for him.
Basement Dejunking
July 14th, 2013 at 06:07 am
July 14th, 2013 at 03:12 pm 1373811129
July 14th, 2013 at 06:01 pm 1373821291
His "collections" drive me a little nuts, but he is okay with getting rid of old monitors and TVs. Phew!
BUT... I just had to comment because I decluttered a bit in his absence yesterday. I found some baby blankets and got rid of them all. I won't tell him or ask him, and I will assure you he will *never* notice. I held back the one his mother knitted. I have the feeling they were still in the closet because he wouldn't let me get rid of them before.
As an aside, we cleaned out my son's room really good about 2+ years ago. Last night he was upset asking me who took his "toilet paper roll" collection. I could honestly say I hadn't taken anything out of his room in years. Good Grief! He just noticed it was missing?
July 15th, 2013 at 02:05 am 1373850307
July 15th, 2013 at 02:51 am 1373853071