Home > Decluttering Continues but More Junk Added

Decluttering Continues but More Junk Added

July 18th, 2013 at 03:30 pm

My super-decluttering powers continued yesterday as I found that a local Goodwill has drive-through drop-off. They were pleased with the aquarium (me too!) and the converter boxes. I am SO pleased to be rid of another big bag of stuff. I have more outgrown clothes to give to a friend at school tonight too.

However, more junk was procured at Target yesterday, albeit useful junk. A distant Target had all their 4th of July stuff half off. So why did I buy $20 worth of that? We're having a combined birthday party for DD and (long-suffering) DH this weekend with an American/British theme. Fortunately for me, all the red and blue cups, plates, tablecloths etc were half off. I'd already bought some, so the full-price ones will be returned, but pleased as can be that they're cheaper now.

A bit concerned that as I age (rapidly, this week) I'm taking on my mother's obsession with garbage pick-up. After my class last night, I was on the curb at 11 hauling stuff out. Pre-party or post-decluttering nerves? Not sure, but at least it's out.

3 Responses to “Decluttering Continues but More Junk Added”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Great job on the decluttering!! And if you need to least you got it on clearance.

  2. snafu Says:

    Good on you, terrific job. De-cluttering is such a relief. I don't think folks realize how much stuff they look after that they don't need, don't use, don't love and no longer serves them. It's so frustrating to have to buy an item to replace one that can't be found when it's needed.

    Terrific find on party items on sale, just when they're needed

  3. Kiki Says:

    Way to go on the decluttering.

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