Home > Back from Minnesota

Back from Minnesota

August 14th, 2013 at 09:38 pm

Oh my, DD and I had such a lovely trip to Duluth then the North Shore. And I'm happy to report it was at least moderately thrifty. We left Thursday after my tutoring, spending $71 on a motel room, but getting a $50 gas card back from them. We had breakfast there the next morning and drove to Duluth where I cashed in some hotel points that were about to expire for a room for DD, my good friend, and I to all share.

I got dining points on our dinner choice in beautiful Canal Park in Duluth. We walked along the lake and had a splendid evening. Then on up the North Shore, stopping for groceries for snacks and breakfast, but treating ourselves to a great couple meals out, and later wine overlooking the lake from our rental balcony. We hiked during the day, enjoyed the pool and hot tub, and just got caught up. I've never had such spectacular weather there.

Home and back to reality. More on that tomorrow, but letting the pleasure linger a bit first.

3 Responses to “Back from Minnesota”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Color me jealous! I lived in Duluth for several years (well, out in the country not too far from the city.) Some of my favorite 4th of July's were watching the fireworks over the lake. I'm glad you both had fun!

  2. Looking Forward Says:

    Both your trips sound lovely. Great memories with your DD. Smile

  3. My English Castle Says:

    Thanks--we did have a wonderful time. Next year I'd like a week there; there's something about northern Minnesota that really calls me home. Blame my Scandinavian ancestry

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