Home > Shoes Blues

Shoes Blues

August 23rd, 2013 at 10:08 pm

I dared have DD's feet measured today at Infamous Footwear. She has gone from a children's 3 to an adult 6 1/2 which explains something about the fit of her Tevas. We spent (gulp) $230 on shoes using coupons, their BOGO 1/2 off, and all sort of other shenanigans.

But she had to have a couple of pairs of ordinary shoes, and although that total is staggering, it does include two pairs of Clarks that were already half price before the other deals. Then PE shoes, a size 7 pair of Bear Traps, a pair of work shoes for me, and deeply discounted wedges since I have bought no new shoes this summer and was feeling terribly neglected.

But still. I guess I got the blues and plenty of sole.

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