Home > Small Happy Dance

Small Happy Dance

August 23rd, 2013 at 05:27 am

My summer school term is over, and I've made it through the eight weeks of tutoring a bit richer. But being away from home two nights a week doesn't sit right with any of us. DH is weary of it, and DD misses me, so I've turned down tutoring next term, but will begin a new class on Monday night.

The happy dance is slightly smaller because I discovered a completely plagiarized paper amongst my students' work. Not a chance of it being an overlooked failure to cite, but man, sometimes they are really dumb. After eight weeks of listening to this guy talk, did he really think I'd believe he wrote sentences with vocabulary so far above his usual spoken range including words like "exigency" and phrases like "gross inequities"? So I'm irritated and he will fail.

My happier news? Two days on the treadmill and I've rediscovered how happy exercise makes me. Not a penny spent today either.

6 Responses to “Small Happy Dance”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    It kind of amazes me that kids aren't smart enough to dumb down the papers they steal or at least reword stuff. Maybe they are just too lazy to be bothered.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    I've been on the elliptical the last two days and am enjoying the exercise as well. Just need to keep it going!!

  3. laura Says:

    My daughter has had to copy her paper into some sort of "cheating program" and it has determined what % of her paper isn't original. In her case it simply boiled down to exact quotes from "Great Expectations" in a character analysis she did of the prisoner-benefactor character (his name escapes me now).

    I was once accused of having limited academic integrity when I researched a similar topic for two different classes I had concurrently. That one still doesn't seem right to me, but oh well ... live and learn. I don't think I've ever used exigency in conversation or prose!

  4. My English Castle Says:

    laura: we also use, but it doesn't catch everything. I've been giving demos on it at faculty meetings, and while it helps, it seems to me instructors who are familiar with their students can usually do a better job.Turnitin didn't catch this one, but I typed a sentence into google, and the whole thing popped up.

  5. PNW Mom Says:

    My DD2 had a few teachers last year who used Usually anything over 20% was a fail.

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Last year we had a student in middle school take a paper out of another student's backpack and copy it word for word, and then turned it in. This was towards the beginning of the year ... guess what I harped a lot on for the next year? (without naming names of course - but the kids got to research what happened to famous plagiarizers.)

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