Home > At Long Last, Payday.

At Long Last, Payday.

October 1st, 2013 at 02:41 pm

The federal government may be a disaster, but thankfully the state government appears to have deposited my university paycheck, my first paycheck since June.

Underlying money anxiety continues here. DH's job appears increasingly shaky;many of the contractors have been let go, and some have been asked to go part time.
My adjunct evening job appears to be fine, although their enrollments are down. I usually have three or four classes a year there, plus my capstone project piecework, but it may only be two classes next year. I may have to scout around for more work come next spring.

Unless DH's job settles down, I think we'll likely abandon some of my sidebar goals. Thinking, thinking, thinking.

3 Responses to “At Long Last, Payday.”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    Our enrollment is down as well, which is a big income problem for the College. I hope this is not a continuing trend.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Does your husband have other leads for employment, if he does lose his job? Wishing your family the best.

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Have you seen the website It was an inbox offer the other day on SBs I think .. I checked it out and it looked somewhat promising. That might be something you could do for extra income anyway.

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