Home > Pleased with My Stubbornness

Pleased with My Stubbornness

October 11th, 2013 at 10:31 pm

I'm happy to say it's been a couple days since I've spent a cent. I had a raft of meetings this morning, preceded by the dentist. The dentist bills me, and as a bonus, I found out my favorite dental hygienist also does dog sitting. If my brother can't take the dog while we're in England, she will.

But I spent nothing on student meetings at the coffee shop, even though they were ordering lattes, I restrained myself. I thought about stopping to pick up a late lunch, but came home and ate a salad.

DH has sent off a resume to another department. The skill set certainly matches his. No definite word on end dates or the possibility of the other contract job.

Now to figure out dinner. Pasta with ?

3 Responses to “Pleased with My Stubbornness”

  1. snafu Says:

    What did you decide to add to the pasta? We use pasta as a base for leftovers with white or red sauce jazzed with a small amount of wine and trinity veg [onion, celery,carrot shreds] for meat, fish or veggies.

  2. My English Castle Says:

    @Snafu--bacon, a mixed bunch of veggies--onions, broc, some sad zucchini, red peppers and lots of hard cheeses. It was actually pretty good.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Sounds good...pasta can be different when you add different things.

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