Home > Making a List

Making a List

May 5th, 2014 at 11:05 pm

This looks to be a much busier week than I'd like. The class I've inherited begins tomorrow night, and while I'm done with the syllabus, I have no class plan at all.

My online class is wrapping up but I have 20 students whose final projects need reviewing. That takes about 45 minutes for each project.

Our house is still a disaster post holiday. It needs a big blitz.

I three appointments tomorrow at the university, two about the possibility of London again next year.

The yard needs some attention too.

Did I mention the laundry? Yikes.

And that arm-length list of stuff to do from restarting the newspaper, doing the taxes, signing DD up for camp, and 20+ others.

But I do have good news. Both DH and I have lost 5 lbs. I'd like to lose another 20 and have been pretty darn good about my diet.

My plan?

Attack the house in 15 minute periods.
Attack the list in similar periods.
Attack the laundry while watching Jack Bauer tonight.
Write up a class plan tomorrow morning from 7-9.
Read three student projects tonight.
Read three more tomorrow afternoon.

Taxes can wait until my online class is over as can the necessary review of our financial situation.

Off for the first 15-minute attack.

2 Responses to “Making a List”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Good plan! A little bit at a time and setting the timer to get something done feels so much better than putting it all off. And congrats on your weight loss! I have lost about 16 pounds recently and feel so much better. Smile

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    Great plan of attack! I can see you know a thing or two about the best way to eat an elephant. Wink

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