Home > Finally Did the Taxes--Good News

Finally Did the Taxes--Good News

May 22nd, 2014 at 03:33 pm

We filed an extension since we were out of the country over tax season, and yesterday, after pondering the need for more cash, I finally got to the taxes. It's good news there. Because I only got half pay in 2013 while in London, we seemed to have dropped a tax bracket and are getting a good refund. That won't happen again this year because on my online teaching, but I think we're about 25 percent of the way to funding the new bathroom, carpet, and maybe, (gulp) a water heater. The fireplace facing will have to wait, and we'll need to be pretty scrupulous with other spending.

The water heater situation looms. We've been in the house for 11 years, and were told the water heater was 10 years old when we moved. It's recently started to not heat as well, and we've received conflicting advice about draining it. It's situated poorly, not as near a floor drain as I'd like. The weekend's tasks will include toting up some estimates on that, the bathroom, and the carpet.

Bean and veggie enchiladas were assembled last night from misc fridge findings. I'm still in a bit of a post-London funk. The London office and classrooms are right around the corner from the Waterstone's book store on Torrington Place. I did a google image search of it this morning and almost started to weep. It's an amazing building and a brilliant bookstore. I really miss it.

But I'm glad to have the taxes done, glad to get a nice refund, and hope to come up with some ideas to make the budget stretch.

3 Responses to “Finally Did the Taxes--Good News”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Glad that tax refund might help get some of your projects funded. Can you hook a hose up to your water heater so that you can direct the water to a drain? I have heard newer water heaters don't last as long as the older ones do, so that is a tough one.

  2. My English Castle Says:

    Yep, if it needs to drain, we could hook up a hose. I'm mostly worried about a leak or the bottom just collapsing.

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    The bean and veggie enchiladas sound yummy! That is good news about your taxes!

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