One of my ebay items sold last night, so I'm adding $5.52 to my bathroom fund. I still have another item listed, and I got the book sold mailed.
I'm off to the garden center to get the summer plants purchased and hope to only use the $75 in gift cards I have.
I've shut the door on the guest room until I get the planting done, but have agreed to go garage saling with a friend tomorrow to help buy some things for our returning from Germany friend. It sounds like a fun day, a bit frivolous, but very fun.
I also checked the IRS site, and our refund should be in the bank tomorrow. Hooray! I'll update the bathroom fund then.
I finished the JK Rowling mystery and really enjoyed it. I'll need another library trip over the weekend. DD and DH are very busy with school, and I spent hours last night on a conference proposal. I think I need to get in the sunshine!
More Dripping, Some Draining
May 29th, 2014 at 07:19 pm
May 29th, 2014 at 11:07 pm 1401401255
May 31st, 2014 at 10:34 am 1401528867