Home > Found Money

Found Money

June 1st, 2014 at 08:18 pm

It's been a productive enough weekend. I had a great time garage saling for items for my US-bound friend. We got her many things off her list: A tremendous doll house bargain for her daughter, a Brita pitcher, two matching bedside lamps, placemats, a winter jacket for her DD, a great glass bowl, a magazine rack, and other misc. stuff. The bargain of the day was the dollhouse. It retails for around $200, was in perfect shape, and the folks sold it to us for $40, throwing in the winter jacket. All in all, we spent $65, and we were both pleased. And done by noon.

But my found money came from my own guest room where we found $40 in Target gift cards. Some of them were Christmas gifts, others earned from Target offers. They came at a good time, because try as I might, I couldn't get everything I needed for the garden for $75. I only spent $75.26, but still need more potting soil and a few other things which I'll try to pick up from Target.

We watched "In Bruges" last night, which I really enjoyed. The language was a bit crude, but they were Hit men after all.

I hope to get the back gardens squared away today and tomorrow. And I met my SB goal all month, so I'm looking forward to those bonuses.

Happy June!

2 Responses to “Found Money”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I really enjoyed In Bruges too!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    I love found money!

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