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Smallish Setbacks and Smallish Triumphs

June 5th, 2014 at 03:33 pm

Unfortunately, the setbacks are bigger than the triumphs. My evening job is revamping their capstone project for business majors. This means they will no longer write capstones, eliminating about $75/month for my reading fees. Ugh. Plus I got to spend 90 minutes driving there and back in traffic to hear this good news. Capstones will continue for liberal arts majors as well as in the social sciences.

Tiny triumphs included selling a book, using some nice doubled coupons, and the Girl Scouts deciding we don't need a mess kit for DD's weekend camping. All that probably saved/made $30.

Our fun artsy next-door neighbors are celebrating their 50th anniversary this weekend and have invited us to the party. Any one have a cute idea for an inexpensive but interesting gift?

2 Responses to “Smallish Setbacks and Smallish Triumphs”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    I had an idea for a bunch of "diamond" themed gifts because I thought it was the diamond anniversary, but then I Googled it and realized it's the golden anniversary. Still, something gold- or golden-themed?

    My favorite gifts from friends are usually inexpensive. Homemade to me equals time and care put into the gift. Some nice ones I've gotten lately are food (my friend made a large batch of breakfast burritos and froze them), toiletries (homemade soap), and greeting cards (one of my friends cuts pictures out of magazines/prints them from websites and makes these fun collage-style cards).

  2. Carol Says:

    At this age, plants, flowers or food.

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