Home > Unmotivated


June 11th, 2014 at 06:42 pm

It's 52 degrees here and has been pouring since 6 a.m.
From my original enrollment of 15, three people showed up for class last night.
My last half-hearted stab at dieting ended rather spectacularly with DH's birthday cake last night.

To combat this malaise, I'm going to the library to avoid being sucked into Swagbucks, leftover cake, or continuing e-mails with past London students who are also sniveling about missing London. It's a snivel-fest here.

Let's see what joy I can find at the library.

3 Responses to “Unmotivated”

  1. laura Says:

    May I be nominated to join the snivel-fest as well? Anti-climactic now that my classes are done (can you tell I miss mental stimulation). And summer vacation isn't supposed to be like this, cold, rainy, whiny kids, etc. Did the trip to the library offer any option for excitement? Hope so!

  2. My English Castle Says:

    You may indeed join the snivel fest. Welcome! The library offered up two things I requested: the second DVD of Broadchurch and du Maurier's _Jamaica Inn_ which I loved as a kid and thought I'd try on DD. It's way too early for kids to be whining, but this weather doesn't help.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    Looks like the weather will improve today! It was still cold and foggy when I walked to the station this morning, but I see sunshine out my window now! The dreariness was getting to me, too!

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