Home > Need Some Goals

Need Some Goals

April 20th, 2015 at 04:08 pm

Over the weekend DH and I spent some serious time talking about if we should move to the UK. We both really long for it, and both waver a lot. He's going back in June to see his dad, and will get some ideas about jobs. Small exploratory steps are in order as we start to think more.

But no matter what, I need to set some goals. Today's goal is to clean my home office. It's pure awfulness, filled with leftover tax information, items to sell, lesson plans, and lots of crud. Lots of crud.

Following on the heels of the office cleaning and before our Brit friends arrive on 19 May, I'm going to declutter or sell 10 things a day.

I won't count myself done for the day yet, but the Easter Seals dude has just picked up a bag of clothes, and I evacuated a tub of ricotta with a sell-by date in February. DH never cleans the fridge while I'm gone. Another ancient jar of pickled beets also left the building. Let's say I have seven more to go today.

Please hold me accountable so I don't lapse back into wallowing in NW3 homesickness.

More goals to follow.

16 Responses to “Need Some Goals”

  1. laura/deacon's wife Says:

    Join up on FB at organized friends. Creditcardfree has done an awesome job of setting up a group - has almost revolutionized my mindset. While things are slowly clearing out, I'm definitely doing things smarter - not harder. And my goals are rather fluid, but have at least materialized!

  2. scottish girl Says:

    I second that, join the group Smile

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Laura and scottish girl are regulars on
    Text is Organized Friends and Link is
    Organized Friends and while there are 26 members there are maybe 5-6 that are posting. We'd love to cheer you or there. Good luck with those 7 more items.

  4. My English Castle Says:

    Just clicked!

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    I approved you!

  6. CB in the City Says:

    Do you have extended family in the U.S.? That's the one thing that makes me realize I could never move overseas.

  7. snafu Says:

    Another regular on Organized Friends since it replaced the' Get Organized Now' forum which offered suggestions to move through household routines more efficiently. CCF is an amazing motivator to identify clutter and take action.

  8. ceejay74 Says:

    I hope you're able to make it to UK! We had to give up on that dream, at least for the foreseeable future.

    CCF, I must have missed that you have a FB group for Organized Friends! I only knew about the blog. FB is something I'm on almost every day, so I won't forget about it. Smile

  9. creditcardfree Says:

    ceejay, I probably didn't annouce the FB group here, but it is mentioned on my blog over there. I'm a little slow posting to the blog lately!

  10. Buendia Says:

    Oh! I just clicked, too!

  11. scottish girl Says:

    This is great!! Smile

  12. MonkeyMama Says:

    I just clicked too.

  13. My English Castle Says:

    How fun! CCF is going to whip us all into shape.

  14. snafu Says:

    Would you really like the challenge of a permanent move to GB? Would you b e satisfied with destinations other than London? Have you identified the barriers and looked at ways to reduce problems?

    EC, how realistic would it be to arrange a exchange between yourself and a British contemporary who would like to live in the USA for two or 3 semesters? We have several colleagues who have arranged exchanges between colleges [ 2 yr program] in Australia and our city. They just accepted the contract of the other but each arranged their own accommodations.

    We've taught in China back-tp-back semesters but were merely seconded to the other organization with a temp slotted into our positions. It's pretty easy to rent furnished to an instructor or someone linked to your faculty

  15. My English Castle Says:

    Snafu--Thanks for all the points to think about. While I'd certainly prefer London, I'd be happy with most of southern England. No, we haven't looked at all the obstacles fully yet. We're really in the very early stages. We need to find out about buying back into the British pension system, the tax implications here, the pension implications here, DD's education, DH's job prospects. I have been in touch with our Center for Intl Ed about a swap, and we continue to explore options there. I have spent a lot of time thinking about what I want--and for me, to answer CB's question, it would mean balancing something small in Minneapolis, and something in the UK. Exactly how we'd do that, I'm not sure.

    Things will be changing, I'm sorry to say, in the next few years ( if not sooner) because DH's father is failing rather quickly. None of his siblings are up to the task of dealing with the family home when he goes. So I'm very open to lots of changes and taking it as it comes. But I've been in Wisconsin way too many years, and I want out. I know it probably won't happen soon, but we are moving forward on some sort of dual space. If we can swing it, I'll be very pleased.

    I'm a cautious soul by nature, but I am so done with Milwaukee. The situation at the university isn't making it any more pleasant. Our dear governor has really steered us into the ditch. While we have friends here, it's never really been home. And we're all ready for an adventure.

  16. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    I'd move in a heartbeat. But then again I'm moving in a heartbeat! I agree sometimes an adventure is needed. My DH said what motivated him is Tim Farris and the 4 hour work week. You can always make money but you can't get back time.

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