Home > Road Weary

Road Weary

July 8th, 2015 at 05:57 am

I am home again after driving 1200+ miles to take DD and her friend to French camp. The trip taught me a few things including that my DD is pretty low maintenance. Her friend is not. My DD is used to our rules about food, stopping, buying junk, etc, and it was interesting to see their differences.

We spent $100 on Sunday's hotel, had a lovely dinner with some of my Minnesota friends at a place where kids eat free on Sundays. Again, my daughter was a star. Free breakfast the next morning saved us some cash as did the car snacks in lieu of lunch. I stayed with friends on the way back who made me an excellent dinner. So gas, hotel, and some road food was all that I spent--and I even managed to stay out of the outlet stores.

It's very quiet in the house without the kid around. I hope she's having a grand adventure.

3 Responses to “Road Weary”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Enjoy your alone time at home!

  2. laura Says:

    My place seems quiet when I am down to 2 or 3; I can't imagine 0! And we've been at full capacity with lots of kids' friends in and out.

    Enjoy your time!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    What a long trip! I hope you have fun with the empty house, and your daughter enjoys camp. Smile

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