Home > Sales!


July 17th, 2015 at 03:52 am

Granted this was just two things--a dress I never wore and a vintage book given to me, but I'm happy to add $26 to my sales totals.

Things I had listed but that didn't sell are now at the charity shop. No real other financial news, just enjoying the summer.

We're off on vacation for a week or so, and have given the next week's CSA produce to some friends who are really struggling. It was a good reminder of how much we have.

4 Responses to “Sales!”

  1. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Lovely on both items Smile

  2. scottish girl Says:

    Sales are good. Enjoy your vacation Smile

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Nice work on the sales...and moving the non sales to charity!

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Yay for sales!

    I've not been having any luck at all with sales on FB lately.

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