Home > Quiet Quiet Quiet

Quiet Quiet Quiet

October 3rd, 2015 at 09:04 pm

And mostly quiet because I can hardly talk. Did I say it here? I have pneumonia; I was diagnosed at Urgent Care a week ago and have been home over since. I've significantly improved, have found someone to take my adjunct class, and have been running my university classes from the recliner. After five days of fever and chills, I'm glad to be on the mend. But I can tell the doctor is right, I'm at less than 50 % lung capacity.

So, I'm doing what I can from here. I've read capstone projects, graded papers, folded laundry, read, watched Netflix, and counseled students via e-mail. My London numbers are not strong, but I think we'll make it.

DH is doing his best but he'll never make it as a caring professional. We had good news on his job; right in the midst of this, his contracting agency dumped him, but he's landed a new agency that might even be better for us cash wise. I'm going to try to roast some veggies, but the least little thing gets me pretty winded.

If you like Scandi crime dramas and can put up with subtitles, I recommend Diche on Netflix. I like those stories.

15 Responses to “Quiet Quiet Quiet”

  1. Laura S. Says:

    Sorry to hear you've been so ill, but glad you are on the mend!

  2. crazyliblady Says:

    Take it easy and take care of yourself. Could you get someone else to do cooking and whatnot until you are better?

  3. Livingalmostlarge Says:

    Glad you are doing okay. Get better soon.

  4. snafu Says:

    Take care of yourself and feel better soon.

  5. PatientSaver Says:

    Feel better soon!

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I hope you feel better soon! Pneumonia's nothing to mess with!

  7. scottish girl Says:

    Hope you feel better soon!

  8. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Hoping you feel better soon!!

  9. starfishy Says:

    sorry to hear that you are so ill and i hope you recovery quickly!!

  10. rob62521 Says:

    Take care; hope you rest and recover. So sorry you are ill.

  11. Bluebird Says:

    Feel better soon! Try not to do too much! I had pneumonia once, it was awful!

  12. My English Castle Says:

    Thanks for all the good wishes!

  13. Ima saver Says:

    Hope you feel better very soon! Take it easy and don't try todo too much.

  14. CB in the City Says:

    Oh dear. Pneumonia is awful; I developed it after my appendix ruptured a few years ago. Do everything your doctor says! It's nothing to mess around with.

  15. PauletteG Says:

    Pneumonia is yuck. Are you on antibiotics? Sleeping lots? Is pneumonia where it feels someone's snapping your ribs when you try to breathe or is it when it feels like the alveoli are clinging to as much fluid as possible?

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