Home > Movie Time

Movie Time

December 30th, 2016 at 03:42 am

I did 2/6 returns today, and DD and I went out to lunch and to see Rogue One. I had a BOGO at Noodles and a $5 gift card from buying other gift cards for Christmas, so our lunch was free. And it was $5 Thursday at the theater, but I had a $5reward, so we had all that fun for $5. DH and I spent some time on the budget. More returns on the agenda tomorrow, and I'm going to list some things to sell on the FB lists.

4 Responses to “Movie Time”

  1. starfishy Says:

    sounds like a great day for $5!! Smile

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Wow, good frugalizing! I'm taking my grandsons to see "Sing" today -- it will be a lot more expensive.

  3. My English Castle Says:

    We signed up for Marcus movie rewards a while back, and it seems like a good plan if you have a nearby Marcus theatre. The $5 Tuesdays and $5 student/faculty Thursdays have been great for us. Plus, I now :-( qualify for the senior discount!

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    We have Marcus theaters here too - how often do you need to go to make it worthwhile? (the rewards)

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