Home > Dishwasher Costs for CCF

Dishwasher Costs for CCF

August 23rd, 2017 at 10:54 pm

I've been curious about how much it costs to run the dishwasher after your earlier post, CCF. Here's what I found from the SF Gate:
Multiply the wattage of your dishwasher (most models fall in a range between 1,200 and 2,400 watts) by the number of hours you run it each day. Divide this number by 1,000 to find the number of kilowatt-hours the dishwasher uses. Multiply this number by your cost per kilowatt-hour to come up with the daily cost of running your dishwasher. For example, suppose your dishwasher is rated at 1,800 watts, you run it for two hours a day and your electricity rate is 13 cents. Multiply 1,800 by 2 to get 3,600 watt-hours, or 3.6 kilowatt-hours. Multiply this figure by 13 cents, resulting in 46.8 cents. So it costs you just under 50 cents a day to run your dishwasher.

Those are pretty much our Dishwasher wattage and costs per kilowatt hour. Fifty cents a day.

5 Responses to “Dishwasher Costs for CCF”

  1. snafu Says:

    Thanks for researching operational facts and sharing them. I feel there are also a couple of non monetary benefits to DW, like tableware and utensils washed in much hotter water. There is a lower possibility of bacteria, colds, small infections passing around the family. The 20 - 30 minutes it might take to re-set the kitchen is slightly more than 5 minutes to clean the counter, clear the table, sweep and steam clean the kitchen floor at the end of the day.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Interesting. I agree with Snafu...I like the fact of the hotter water and lower possibility of bacteria and all. Pretty cheap at 50 cents I'd say.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    But wouldn't there be a difference if you were using the heated dry function? I wonder the cost on that. I've been eliminating that lately. I'm sure it would make a big difference though. It's the darn air conditioner that has to run in this 2800 sq ft home in the heat and humidity of the southeast that is costing me the most! It's hard to change much there. If I go to high temp in the summer, we get mold, ick!

    snafu, I like my dishwasher, definitely not moving to wash everything by hand! Smile

  4. My English Castle Says:

    Let me do more research, CCF. I know I open the dishwasher in the winter to let the humidity and heat into the kitchen, but not sure how much that affects anything.

  5. My English Castle Says:

    Here's from Marotta on money: Beware the humidity of air drying. Choosing air drying over the dishwasher’s heated dry is considered a money saver, since instead of paying for your dishwasher to heat your dishes dry you use the natural free air. The only problem is that most air conditioners try to remove humidity from the air, which means that where you’re saving money on the dishwasher you’re spending money on the air conditioning. There almost no way to calculate this savings or lack there of, but if you’re running your dishes at night, when your AC tends to get a break, then the extra humidity of either air drying your dishes or just running them will be easier on your wallet.

    Run your dishes at night. There are many reason to do it. The Kitchn lists three good reasons for delaying the cycle until after you’ve gone to bed. 1. The humidity is better handled by your AC when there isn’t as much natural humidity in the air. 2. You can avoid the sound because you’re sleeping. 3. It can be cheaper. The cost of your energy consumption varies a bit based upon the time of consumption, because some utility companies arrange their pricing so peak hours cost more, either by charging a variable transportation fee or just adding a demand charge.

    Not sure if you run yours at night, but this seems to be one answer.

    And this from the SF Gate: Air-Drying

    Select the air-dry cycle instead of the heat dry cycle for drying the dishes after the load is complete. If you don't have this option on your dishwasher, when the load has finished washing, turn the dishwasher off and open the door a crack to let the dishes dry. This keeps available heat inside, but allows the dishes to air-dry. This saves about 15 percent of your total dishwasher's energy use.

    Saving 15% of 50 cents isn't impressive to me, but maybe the combination of running it at night and using air dry could take the load of your A/C?

    Our dishwasher beeps when it's done and wakes us all up. We're still struggling to make it stop, but both DD and I have been known to yell, "shut up" to the dishwasher in the middle of the night!

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