Our DD completed a fun project for her HS math class. It asked students to find a job they thought they'd qualify for after college, estimate their income, taxes, SSI, Medicare, and health insurance deductions. They then had to find housing, estimate car, utility, food, debt repayment expenses. They bought housing after figuring down payment, insurance, property taxes etc.
She REALLY enjoyed the exercise, especially condo shopping, I think. She was especially delighted to put O in the "student loan repayment" column--even when her teacher wrote "really?" She told him that was her goal. And indeed that is our goal.
We're still waiting to hear from three of her five US universities, but her "safety" school is my employer. She's been accepted there and the University of Minnesota. The next batch should be out next week, then we start in on the British schools.
Tomorrow an update on the situations at my university. It's been quite the semester.
Cool School Project
December 14th, 2019 at 12:27 am
December 14th, 2019 at 01:36 am 1576287395
December 14th, 2019 at 10:09 pm 1576361357
December 17th, 2019 at 04:06 pm 1576598811
That's awesome! E got into UWM's College of Engineering and Appplied Science (he declined to give a second choice when it was asked for it on his application). Also MSOE. I think the Milwaukee School is his first choice. So exciting for these young ones!