One of my January--maybe into February--goals is to eat through the freezer. It's been too long since it's been really emptied. So to that end today I took out two more things to cook. So we had chicken thighs for dinner and I made two enormous pots of turkey broth from the bones of a turkey I'd roasted in November. There are enough thighs for another meal this week, and I'll make soup tomorrow and freeze the other half of the stock.
I'm trying to make it fun--a freezer scavenger hunt!
Now for the odd thing. I was cleaning out a summer purse (what? it's January?) and found what I thought was a circle clasp for a key ring. I remember picking it up sometime last summer, maybe in Madison or Chicago when we were out with our French student. I was about to throw it out when I looked a little closer, and I think it's a wedding band. But I have NO idea where I picked it up. My husband says he has a vague memory of it, but can't remember where we were. So what do I do with it? If it were in Milwaukee, I'd advertise in the free lost and found, but I don't think it was. It's got a few small stones and a jeweler's mark for gold inside. And it looks like it's been run over or been through the garbage disposal. Ideas?
Freezer Excavation and an Odd Thing
January 5th, 2020 at 05:52 am
January 5th, 2020 at 01:43 pm 1578231824
January 5th, 2020 at 02:09 pm 1578233385
January 5th, 2020 at 02:10 pm 1578233422
Good luck with your freezer excavation! That will save some money this month. I plan to use up our food in cupboard and pantry this month and into next if needed. I'm waiting until the girls go back to school to really dive in.
January 5th, 2020 at 07:34 pm 1578252896
I like your term "excavation" for your freezer foray. Sounds accurate, at least it would be in my case. I need to do that as well.