Home > Keeping An Eye on Things

Keeping An Eye on Things

March 1st, 2020 at 01:57 am

It's March re-set time around here, a day early. DD's university choices and their payments are looming, DH's contract job, though safe now, usually wavers with the stock market, and I'm not teaching any adjunct classes for a while. Today we got the bill for DH's ear surgery. I love when the insurance company says they'll pay for it all, and then it ends up still costing another $1000. On the positive side of that, his hearing is great. Except for some tinniness which is waning, he hears almost perfectly.

But the $1000 will have to be paid as will DD's school fees. It's time to dial down. Back to freezer excavation and back to more mindful shopping. And the freezer still holds many delights. Today's dinner was balsamic pork tenderloin with roasted veggies, and a cranberry apple crisp.

DD is being super helpful. She went with me to the grocery store today where she spotted 79 cent packages of pie crust--three of which are in our freezer now. Looks like quiche, instant pot lentil or tosacana soup, and our favorite sweet potatoes with black beans are on the menu this week.

Happy March, everyone! Stay healthy!

4 Responses to “Keeping An Eye on Things”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    Wow, that's a great price for pie crusts!

  2. terri77 Says:

    Cranberry apple crisp sounds delicious!

  3. My English Castle Says:

    CB-- I know! Their expiration date is March 15, but into the freezer they went.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Good deal on the pie crusts! And your freezer excavation sounds like you found some treasures!

    Glad DH's ear surgery was a success!

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