Home > July? Really?

July? Really?

July 1st, 2020 at 09:39 pm

Though June seemed to last forever, maybe Paul Simon is right, and July, she will fly?

We started the morning picking strawberries at a local farm. We went early to avoid the heat, and picked just one flat. I'll make freezer jam tonight, but freeze others for smoothies and maybe a strawberry margarita or two. There'll be some for desserts and lots for just eating.

Got the news that DD's UK adult passport app has been received so that's good news. And we've switched our Friday summer lunches out to Wednesdays, so went to a cute nearby town on Lake Michigan for an outside deli lunch. Very hot here inland, but as usual, cooler by the lake. I've updated so saving figures, and need to make some appointments this afternoon. We're watching Neal Oliver's BBC History of Scotland which has been really interesting. Will do some university work tonight while DD is at her grocery job. I still can't get over the fact it's July.

3 Responses to “July? Really?”

  1. LifeBalance Says:

    What a nice day you had!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    And to think the year is half over. I told a friend I felt like our lives have been on hold just waiting to see how things would go with the Coronavirus and now it's July.

    Yum on the strawberries!

  3. Wink Says:

    Love strawberry margaritas! My favorite summer drink.

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