Home > Interest Rates Down Again

Interest Rates Down Again

July 31st, 2020 at 08:27 pm

Several of the online banks have dropped their interest rates below 1 percent. I expect they'll stay low for a long time as the economy struggles, but it's hard to scrape together any interest these days.

We're still waiting on the CAS number from Edinburgh here. DD has noticed in her online FB group of incoming Edinburgh student, less than 1/3 have their numbers, so we're not alone, but it does make planning frustrating.

In other frustrating news, our internet was down for two days meaning neither DH or I could get any work done. He hopes to make up some time over the weekend, but that's hundreds down the drain. I've been existing on cell data alone. So let's tighten the darn budgets some more? But where?

The dentist called and said we have a credit. Would we like it applied to future bills or a check? Check on its way. Our food budget has been slim, but the CSA veggies have been great and the garden is doing well--not like Lucky Robin well--but plenty for us. It's time for a fridge inventory.

I blanched and froze kale and expect to get through the week with no new purchases. And since it's turned cooler (Hooray!) the a/c has been off. I've been loving the NYT "At Home" section, and see that they want me to clean the stove this weekend. I think I'll take them up on that.

I see lots of banks have been sending us bonus offers to switch checking or savings. We really like our local bank, but would move some savings $ to get a few hundreds in bonuses. Time to consider that!

So cleaning, cooking, and thinking on the agenda for the weekend--especially if DH is working. We have a drive-by birthday celebration tomorrow night for my work BF. Might be fun.

3 Responses to “Interest Rates Down Again”

  1. East Coast Saver (Wink) Says:

    I received an offer in the mail from a well established bank that pays out $350 to open a premium checking account with $10k. At first glance it looks like you just have to keep that balance for 2 months and then you get the bonus. I need to take a deeper dive into the small print!

  2. My English Castle Says:

    Let's make some cash, Wink!

  3. rob62521 Says:

    From the sounds of it, Wink, that might be a great offer. Like you, My English Castle, we too have seen our interest rates drop lower and lower. Yikes!

    I would have opted for the check from the dentist too. I hate to say this, with businesses hurting, who knows what will be open in the next few months. If we had gift cards to anything, we'd be using them.

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