Home > Quiet Days

Quiet Days

December 7th, 2020 at 11:39 pm

Let's see; what's happened?  I'm in full grading mode and not doing much else.

We got a tree on Saturday.  The local nursery was out of Frasiers so we got a pretty balsam.

Half the lights are on as that's DH's task and he's torn between work, school, and home chores.

Honestly, we're all very cranky.  My DD is waiting to take her exams, DH is busy, and I don't have enough time in the day to get everything done.  We keep getting stalled on things like replacing the dining room table and curtains.  We get halfway there, but cannot find anyone to take our free and pretty table.  So both are in the crowded dining room now.  I need to touch up the paint where the old blinds were, but also need to finish the mountain of grading. 

This is the point in the semester where I wish I could lock myself in a room and have someone leave food outside.  I'd emerge in six or so days.    Isn't that Holly Jolly?    I think we're also just like the rest of the world, weary of isolation and sameness.  But will keep pushing through grading as best as I can.    Onward.



2 Responses to “Quiet Days”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I will take your table! You said it is cherry, right? How big? Can it seat six? Can you send me a picture? If it works, I can arrange some kind of transport and meet you halfway. Or I can just take a trip up to Milwaukee!

  2. Dido Says:

    Good luck getting through the grading. The pandemic weariness doesn't help what is ordinarily a tense time of year anyways. I hope you get a decent break after it is over and before you need to dig into prep for next term!

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