Home > That Post-Christmas Lull

That Post-Christmas Lull

December 28th, 2020 at 05:39 pm

There's always a post-Christmas lull, isn't there? I've finished up my grading for my regular classes, but have some work to do for the FLEX classes I'm babysitting.  And I'll need to start planning for next term.  And there are some errands to be done.  But I'm starting it slow today and trying to think of what I want/need to do.

I've put a few things on the calendar: our teaching symposium will be virtual, there are students that will need to be talked to, we'll need to cancel some classes.  For me, the biggest item will be finding a financial planner to help us sort through retirement/relocation planning.  I've done a lot of the online calcultors, contacted my university pension people, etc, but I'd llike to have a firmer plan in place in a few months.

DH is still working away in the basement.  His office is closed (even virtually) but since he's a contractor, he's still working. even over the holidays.  We're glad for the regular paycheck.  Grateful for the stability so many lack right now.   

Not much financial news: I'll pay half the property taxes this week, we'll make some donations.  Our Christmas was pretty cheap with minimal gifts.  The holding pattern continues,.


1 Responses to “That Post-Christmas Lull”

  1. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Hoping you had a lovely Christmas - every year after all of the time spent with Christmas (eg shopping, cooking, attending Christmas dinners etc), I find that post-Christmas lull necessary to relax, rest and regain balance again.

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