Home > Singing the Same Song

Singing the Same Song

February 15th, 2021 at 08:03 pm

It's cold cold cold.  We were whining abut -4 until I checked my friends in central MN at -26.  My cabin fever comes and goes, but February--ugh.

We had a nice cheap Valentine's Day with lots of good food. I made strawbery pancakes and sausage for breakfast, then jambalaya for dinner with a bakewell tart--my first attempt at those.    I'd ordered some cute penguin earrings for DD, and DH bought a pretty blooming plant for me.  It was a nice day.

I have student conferences all week.  They're challenging weeks as I try to juggle regular work with talking to them.  But it really helps us all to talk to each other and build a solid bond. 

In between I'm decluttering,  and adding more layers to my bulky Michelin man conference clothes.

Good luck to all of you with the weather challenges!



1 Responses to “Singing the Same Song”

  1. Wink Says:

    I second that February UGH!

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