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Paying Myself Back

February 19th, 2021 at 05:45 am

It's been a busy day with student zoom conferences and an unexpected vet visit.  Our old dog had a strange episode last night--something the vet called an acute collapse.  She came running in from the yard, and when I turned around she was flat on the floor and not moving.  She stayed that way--though conscious --for about 4 or 5 minutes while I sat next to her trying to comfort her.  There was no sign of injury, so I'm not sure whether she ran into our unforgiving iron chair legs or collapsed for another reason.  But when my DH came in, she raised her head, and a few minutes later as I tried to carry her to her bed, she got up, drank some water, and sat there staring for a while.    By midnight she seemed almost fine, eating, drinking, etc


The vet was unsure too--did she have a concussion from running into something?  A cardiac event?  He ruled out a seizure as there was no shaking or spasms.  But she seems pretty good today for almost a 15-year-old.  So aside from $70 at the vet, I stopped into ALDI on the way home for some bargains.  I also am slowly paying myself back for DD's first year at university.  I owe myself $15,000 but have paid back $3000 since November.  A few other minor additions from refunds and Swagbucks added more to my big goal.  Financial goals for the weekend include DD's taxes.  Happy it'll be warmer!

3 Responses to “Paying Myself Back”

  1. Amber Says:

    Aw sending prayers for your pup, I hope this was a one time deal

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Sorry about your dog, but it sounds like everything is OK now which is good.

    Hope you found some great Aldi bargains.

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Hope your dog hasn't had any more episodes!

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