Home > It's So Quiet...........

It's So Quiet...........

September 16th, 2021 at 03:28 am

Yeah, that's how I feel all the time with our DD gone to uni.  It's so quiet. No Taylor Swift blasting all over the house, no Phoebe Bridgers going long into the night, no endless phone calls.  I do video chat with her a lot, but those other 23 hours are eerie.

In money news, I took a bunch of my university gals out for dinner.  It's an annual tradition my mom started as a way of showing her friends how much she appreciated them.  We had a lovely patio dinner on Saturday night, and it was great to see everybody.  Our usual coffee shop grading and office hours have sort of dried up.  After teaching hours masked, we all want to hunker down in our offices, shut the door, and unmask for a bit.  Another reason to all get together.

Day to day spending has been minimal.  I've become a library regular again, deciding to read all the Ian Rankin Rebus mysteries in order for the fun Edinburgh setting.  Lots of cooking happening here too and much decluttering. I've made appointments for free flu shots, the dentist, and an eye check. 

We've paid the first installment of DD's housing, and I'm tapping into the 529 as her tuition bill is coming up.  Not much else new.  It's very busy at school, and I have tons of committee work this year.  I mostly stagger home, make dinner, watch the news, and start the process for the next day.  More money news coming soon.



2 Responses to “It's So Quiet...........”

  1. VS_ozgirl Says:

    I feel for you, changes like this are so hard to get used to. It’s a change that has come about for a good reason - your daughter is now going to college and is making something of her life. Be kind to yourself getting used to this new period of life and maybe crank some Taylor Swift up if you miss her too much!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    What a sweet tradition you have carried on! I'm sure the others were very appreciative.

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