Home > Novemberitis


November 15th, 2021 at 03:43 am

Yes, with four or so weeks left in the semeser, I'm in my usual mire of grading and planning and  not much else.  The dog saga continues as now we're wondering if her issues might be an ongoing ear infection.  So we're off the antibiotics and trying ear meds hoping that will help her jaw issues.  She hangs on and seem to eat only in the afternoons and evenings.  She's kind of herself sometimes.  --some wagging, some dancing around.  I'm going to try taking her to the park after school tomorrow to see if that perks her up.

Tomorrow is my scheduled booster shot. I'm glad to get it as I'm headed to Minnesota next weekend to see a bunch of friends and the numbers--especially outside the Twin Cities are not good.  In other snooze-inducing news I spent a small fortune at the grocery store and on an oil change.  I've had to dip into savings short term to cover this month's remaining tuition bills, hosing for DD, and the new range.  But we should be able to pay things back over the next few months. 

Which brings me to the somewhat unexpected news about DH's job. He's been a contractor at a large local firm for almost 20 years--with a blip of about a year at another company.  The last two years have been his happiest there, still a contractor.  And now it finally appears they're offering him a job.  So we'll see what they offer.  But while we would've been overjoyed at the news for years, it's now sort of "meh."  We want to move to London.  But this will at least offer some stability while we prepare for that. 


3 Responses to “Novemberitis”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    Funny how those bonuses come when you least expect them! And perhaps no longer need them!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Like LifeBalance wrote, nice the employer respects your DH and is offering him a job.

  3. Dido Says:

    Congrats on DH's job offer, and good luck with the grading and the dog's health--but glad to hear she's still here!

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