Home > A Lovely Weekend and a Note of Gratitude

A Lovely Weekend and a Note of Gratitude

July 11th, 2022 at 12:16 pm

It was our DD's 20th (eek) birthday this weekend, and although no one except maybe Jeff Bezos would describe it as frugal, it was lovely.  We spent Friday night at the Brewers' game on an absolutely stellar evening with an exciting game.  Saturday DD worked, but she got free tickets to Summerfest, so we met one of her friends there.  I was concerned about paying mega$$ for parking, but she found us a Spothero spot for $5.  Honestly, I had a hard time planning her "real" birthday yesterday with her somewhat boring parents.  But we've always enjoyed the Chicago river boat trips, the European city boats, etc, so I thought, why not try the river boat architecture tour right here in Beer City.

It was a spectacularly gorgeous day, and we really enjoyed the narration, learning more about the place where we've lived so long, and just being on the water.  We topped it off with dinner at a local Italian place and an ice cream cake.

That was the weekend, with more activities than we've had the last month or so combined.  Time to rein in the budget just a bit, reducing where I can.  We have leftovers from yesterday--and a heckuva lot of cake which we'll share with friends.  Tomorrow I'm headed to northern Minnesota to spend a couple of days with my best friends, followed by a weekend along the Mississippi with my university friends.  Packing a lunch for tomorrow, staying with friends for a few days, and I'll pick up an audio book at the library before I go.

And I am again aware of how much I've enjoyed this site over the years.  I see more than a few of you on other sites, including Frugalwoods too--and am grateful for the friendship from the Lauras, Scottish Sarah, and so many of the rest of you.  It's always funny trying to explain who y'all are to my family--although as my DD casually tells my DH--"That's one of mom's blog friends. "  It's a pleasure and a privilege to know you. 



5 Responses to “A Lovely Weekend and a Note of Gratitude”

  1. Wink Says:

    It sounds like a very lovely weekend! I always think of this blog as kind of a little on-line "family". I have learned so much here. It really is a pleasure being a part of it!

  2. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    It's been a pleasure I've been since 2006 to watch people's kids grow up in words if not photos. I know that since 2006 it's crazy to see how much we've changed.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    I always refer to this group as my cyberfriends. My kids kind of roll their eyes but I think they enjoy my pleasure in this wonderful group.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    I had to chuckle over your comment that only Bezos would consider it frugal. Good one!

    Glad it worked out and you had a great time.

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Although I haven't been too active on here recently, SA is my home away from home.

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